Monday, January 30, 2012

Nations Descended from Noah

Story: Nations descended from Noah

Passage: Genesis 10

Characters: Lots of people

Interaction: The descendants of Noah are listed.

Notes: Several people stand out in this passage. Nimrod was a mighty hunter before the Lord. What does this mean? Did Nimrod serve the Lord or oppose Him? Casluhim was the father of the Philistines. Interestingly, he is in the line of Egypt. Peleg means division because the Earth was divided in his time. Each clan is said to have its own language. This is the first mention of language in the Bible. The tower of Babel has not been mentioned yet, but I suspect it would have happened early in this list of descendents since they all had their own language.

Questions: What made Nimrod mighty? How did he hunt "before the Lord"? What divided the Earth? Why was the division of the Earth necessary? Did these descendents of Noah walk with God?

Lessons: Not too much can be pulled out of this. What I see is that God's plan was very diverse. He was doing things in all of these people's lives. They were very special to be mentioned in this account, yet we know almost nothing about them! God can use anyone in any time to further His will.

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