About this blog

So this blog has two purposes.  The original purpose was to give weekly updates on my life, what I'm doing, what I'm learning, how you can pray for me, etc.  The second purpose is to write about what I am reading in the word of God.  This is very important to me as I can refer back to this in the future and try to see what I was learning.  Also, this keeps me accountable since if I stop reading the bible, the blog won't get updated.  So my goal here is to post at least once a day about the bible and every sunday or monday about my life.  Now if you don't care about what I have to say about the bible, just type "update" in the search box and all of my update posts will have been tagged as such and you can find my updates.  If you don't care about my life and just want the bible, good for you!  lol type "bible" into the search bar and that will work, or type in a chapter such as "Genesis 3" and that post will come up.  Anyway, I hope people read this and learn from this because it is important to me and I am learning a lot by doing it and I want you to share in my knowlege and passion for our creator and savior!