Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Beginning!

Before I begin, I have been reading the Bible story by story on my lunch break and jotting down some notes. I am going to post my notes on here daily hopefully! We'll see how that goes though. These are my thoughts, they could be wrong, they probably are. Please comment with your thoughts if something interests you or rubs you the wrong way! Also, with more time I could elaborate on these notes, but at least this first post is pretty much straight up what I wrote down the other day, so sorry.

Story: Creation

Passage: Genesis 1:1-2:3

Characters: God (1:1) Spirit (1:2)

Interaction: God spoke and created light, sky and sea, land, stars and moon, birds and fish, and animals and man. God created man in Their image. He rested afterwards. God said creation was good.

My Notes: God spoke and suddenly physics existed! That is crazy! He spoke again and water separated from the sky! It is no wonder Lazarus rose when Jesus spoke and told him to! It is interesting that animals were also given the breath of life(1:30). Animals and humans were given the same command about eating the plants of the earth. The only distinction between us and animals is that we are created in Their image. If we find differences between us and animals, we can learn a little bit about God. For example, music speaks to humans on an emotional level. We don't see that happen with animals. This tells me that the effect of music on us is something that comes along with God's image. 1:31 begins with behold which means we need to pay attention to what follows. The following statement is that creation is good. That is emphasized for a reason. This is the focal point of the story. The creation account builds up to this final conclusion. It is also interesting that He gave humans dominion over creation. I believe that is because we are formed in Their image. Since God has control over creation, He gave us some control over His creation as well. The passage says that the seventh day God rested and it is to be holy. This is interesting since celebrating the sabbath is not mentioned for hundreds of years. It was holy before God commanded the Israelites to observe the Sabbath.

Questions: Why did God create in the first place? Why were we created in Their image? When did He make the planets? Dry ground was created before the moon and stars. Christ is not mentioned in this passage but He was obviously there. Why was the Spirit mentioned but not Christ? Why did God rest? He shouldn't have needed rest.

Lessons: God is holy! He speaks and things that don't even exist obey! He has given us that power, why don't we use it? Also, why do we not obey? What makes us think we know more and are stronger than a God who speaks the laws of physics into existence?

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