Thursday, February 2, 2012

Shem's and Tarah's Descendants

Story: Shem's and Tarah's descendants

Passage: Genesis 11:10-32

Characters: Lots of people

Summary: Almost none. Terah takes his grandson and son and his wife and tries to travel to Canaan but they stop in the land of Haran.

Notes: The ages of people began to drastically drop. By Terah's death, the earth was 2081 years old. A lot can happen in 2000 years! Creation would have felt as ancient as Christ's time on earth to us! Tarah and his family settled in his dead son's land. Nahor appears to have married his brother's daughter. I believe Sarai, Milcah, and Iscah were the first women mentioned by name since Eve.

Questions: What caused the life expectancy to drop? Why did Tarah go to Canaan in the first place? Why did they give up and stop in Haran?

Lessons: Not too much.

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