Monday, February 20, 2012

Here we go again

Hey everyone! So I forgot to update this last week, so this will serve as an update on my last two weeks!

Two weeks ago, not much happened honestly. I worked and continued to learn the ropes of my job. The week was honestly a fairly slow and I struggled to look at my time at work as time where I was working for God. I got to spend the weekend visiting London which was really nice! We basically spent the time working on homework and her list of things to get done! We both decided to sponsor a child through Compassion. Since there is a chance we could end up in India some day, we each chose a child in India. I am looking forward to writing my little boy and helping be a part of his life and showing Christ's love to him. It is appalling to me that his family makes 43 dollars a month! How many of us can't comprehend living on a salary like that! I have trouble justifying using my money to get the latest nice thing when I know that there are people around the world who would give anythings just to have 10 dollars! Giving someone ten dollars isn't even a sacrafice for us, yet many of us treat it like a sacrifice! I have been reevaluating how money should be used, and I encourage you to look into what the Bible actually teaches about giving and possessions. What I have found is that possessions are not wrong, but when we selfishly put possessions above loving others, above helping the needy, the people who Jesus spent all of his time with, that is when something needs to change. It is up to you on how you change. I will not go into details other than to say that I have changed my approach to money. Anyway, the weekend was great and then I launched into another fairly slow week at work. Friday however was the busiest day I have had yet. I honestly enjoyed it a lot! After work, I went and picked London up and she spent the weekend with me! We celebrated valentines day together, the first time either of us had celebrated it. We exchanged gifts and then had a very fun sushi excursion. London gave me a notebook filled with handwritten prayers all based on the prayers of Paul! She also printed off every article written by the Village Church, which I attended while I was in Dallas. These articles cover how the church handles various doctrines and contemporary issues. It was an amazing gift and it was a great valentines day! It was honestly a great weekend and I enjoyed helping her study and just get things done while mixing in fun things like MarioKart and a walk in a local park! I am still working on being selfless in my relationship with London. It is not about my needs or what I want. When a relationship is about me, it begins to fail. A relationship is supposed to be about the other person or both people together, but never about you. Anyway, that's a quick update on my life and what I've been doing and learning! Hopefully I can update on Sunday or Monday next week!

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