Saturday, February 4, 2012

Abram and Lot Separate

Story: Abram and Lot Separate
Passage: Genesis 13
Characters: Abram, Lot, God
Summary: Abram and Lot each had way too many possessions. The land could not support them both and their servants began to argue with each other. Abram decided they would seperate. He let Lot choose where to go first and then he would take what was left. Lot chose where to go and then God told abram He would give him all of the land he could see. And his descendants would be more numerous than the sand. Abram walked the land and then built an altar to God.
Notes: Abram and Lot followed God and He blessed them, but their material possessions were the cause of the strife which forced them to separate. Abram was selfless though in their separation as he allowed his nephew to choose where to live first. Lot chose to travel to the nicer looking land. The cities were wicked though. Lot chose based on appearance and not quality. I also find it interesting that the land was as well watered as Egypt. Apparently Egypt was a very lush country at this time! Once Lot had left, God showed up and affirmed His promise to Abram again! This was the third time He affirmed Abram in His promise! The first time God told Abram he would become a great nation. The second time He showed Abram where his land would be. This third promise told him just how large his land would be and how numerous his descendants would be. God told Abram to wander the land and look at it. It's almost as if God wanted to say, "I promised you I'd lead you to land! Look at this awesome piece of land that I have given to you!" Abram responded by building an altar to the Lord.
Questions: Why did Lot choose the land he chose? What kind of arguments developed between Lot and Abram's men? What was Abram's reaction to his land?
Lessons: God made His first promise to Abram quite a while before this event and His original promise was not very specific. We need to trust His call and follow Him before we know what the end result will be. It might take longer than we want, but God will keep His promises. The correct response to being spoken to by God is worship. As Abram built altars, we also need to worship God when He interacts with us.

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