Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Contributions for the Sanctuary

Story:  Contributions for the Sanctuary

Passage: Exodus 25:1-9

Characters:  God, Moses

Summary:    God tells Moses to take a collection of materials for the Tabernacle.
Notes:  At first glance, we are entering a boring part of the Bible.  Who really cares about all the dimensions and materials of a temple or tabernacle?  In reality, this is a really powerful section of the Bible.  The God of the universe has decided to dwell among humanity.  He can represent this any way He wants and He chose to symbolize His presence with a tabernacle.  Every detail of this tabernacle was laid out by God Himself.  Thus, the design shows us what was important enough to the God of the Universe to include in the symbol of His dwelling among Israel.  I am going to try to dig deep and try to learn about God’s character and plans for humanity based on what He specifically wanted in this sanctuary.  This passage just sets up the design by giving us a list of materials that would be needed for the tabernacle.  This is not a random material list; God has chosen specific colors and materials for His sanctuary.  God warns Moses to make the tabernacle and its furniture exactly like God says.  This is an important deal to God, so it should be to us as well. 

Questions:  The ESV calls for goatskins.  This possibly means dolphin skin or dugong skins.  What type of skin is this?  Why did God want Israel to build a tabernacle?  Why did God choose the materials He asked for?  Why did God choose blue, scarlet, and purple threads?

Lessons:   This is a big deal! Israel just made a covenant with God and God is going to dwell among them in a way that they can physically sense.  He has chosen to show His glory through a tabernacle.  When you think about it for a little bit, you can see how informative and important His description of the tabernacle will be! We need to be careful not to just discount parts of the Bible that don’t appear to pertain to us.  The entire Bible can teach us about the character of God.  

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