Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Joseph Provides for his Brothers and Family

Story:  Joseph Provides for his Brothers and family

Passage: Genesis 45

Characters:  Joseph, Joseph’s whole family

Summary:  Joseph sent his servants away and he revealed himself to his brothers.  He told them that what they meant for harm God had used for good.  Joseph told them to bring Jacob to Egypt so they would not live in poverty.  Pharaoh heard and agreed and sent carts to help bring their possessions back to Egypt.  Jacob did not believe at first, but he was finally convinced when he saw the carts.  He decided to go see Joseph before he died. 

Notes:  Joseph’s emotions show that the tests he had put his brothers through were not the result of cruel intentions.  The brothers did not believe that this man was really Joseph.  When he had convinced them they were terrified.  They had been expecting punishment and suddenly they are with their brother who they thought they had killed.  Imagine their confusion as they realized that their youngest brother who they sold as a slave was now the ruler of Egypt!  Joseph said many times that God sent Joseph to Egypt.  He did not deny his brothers’ sinful part in it though.  He handled their sin in a very wise way.  He did not deny that it happened, but he acknowledged God’s hand in it.  He recognized that he was sent to Egypt for a purpose.  Yes his brothers sinned by selling him into slavery, but God had a purpose for it and in the big picture, Joseph was sent to Egypt by God.  I find it funny that Joseph’s weeping was audible outside of his house.  It was big news in Egypt that Joseph’s family had come to Egypt!  Pharaoh approved and made all of the arrangements to bring the family to live in Egypt.  Joseph told the brothers not to quarrel on their journey.  He knew they were still selfish humans and he urged them to prepare for the temptation to argue and to fight it.  Jacob did not believe Joseph was alive until he heard Joseph’s words and saw the way he had provided for the family.  In the same way, people cannot know Jesus is alive until they hear His words and see the way He has provided for us and changed us.  Jacob finally accepts the truth and determines to see Joseph before he dies.

Questions:  Did Joseph’s servant know that these were Joseph’s brothers until this point?  What was the first thought to go through the brother’s heads when they found out who the man was?  What were Jacob’s emotions as he realized Joseph was indeed alive?  Were the brothers happy, resentful, jealous?  Did they care that Benjamin got more from Joseph?

Lessons:  The shock and awe the brothers must have felt when they learned that Joseph was alive and the ruler of Egypt should be very similar to ours when we realize that Christ is alive and is the ruler of the universe!  Christ was killed in the worst act of sin ever on the earth, but his death was also the ultimate act of good that God did for us.  Likewise, the injustice against Joseph was also a major act of good by God to Israel.  

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